
Today I migrated my blog from Nibbleblog which is a PHP file-based blogging system to Jekyll which is a markdown static website generator. My blog was the last dependency my website had on PHP so I had been intending to move it to something else, and since I already had all my posts in markdown I figured Jekyll would be a reasonable transition.


Installing Ruby

My server is a Digital Ocean droplet running Ubuntu 12.04, so my version of ruby was way too outdated to install jekyll.

To install the latest version I used ruby version manager then

rvm install ruby-2.2.1

Installing Jekyll

To install jekyll I first set my rvm version rvm 2.2.1

Then gem install jekyll

Git Hooks

I use Git to deploy my website (I wrote about my setup here). So naturally I wanted to add the jekyll compilation to my receive hook.

Hooks are run on the server under the git user account, which meant that rvm would not be able to load my custom version of ruby by default so using which ruby under my account I was able to get the full path and add the command to the end of my post-receive hook.

/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1/wrappers/jekyll build --source /var/www/plankenau.com/public_html/blog_jekyll --destination /var/www/plankenau.com/public_html/blog

Setting up Jekyll

Jekyll is really simple to set up, especially in a blog-like fashion so I’ll point you to their docs on how to set up posts.

But broadly I have a blog_jekyll folder which contains all the jekyll configuration files and blog post source code, which when compiled will generate my blog folder with the resultant html files.

Adding a custom 404

One thing that I was missing after migrating was custom 404 support.

First, I created a 404.html page with

layout: page
title: 404
exclude: true
permalink: /404.html
<h1>Sorry it appears the page you are looking for is no longer here</h1>

Then I created a .htaccess file in my blog folder containing:

ErrorDocument 404 /blog/404.html

This will tell apache to redirect 404 errors to your custom page

Finally I had to modify _includes/header.html to not display the 404 page in the navbar by adding a check to ensure the page is not excluded before adding it to the navbar

{% for my_page in site.pages %}
	{% unless my_page.exclude %}
		{% if my_page.title %}
			<a class="page-link" href="{{ my_page.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ my_page.title }}</a>
		{% endif %}
	{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}

Maintaining backward-compatibility

After migrating, I realized all my previous blog post links would be broken. My old blog used to have links of the form /blog/post-{num}/{title} whereas all my current blogposts would have links of the form /post/{title}.

In order to be able to handle my old form of links, I edited my .htaccess file to contain

RedirectMatch 301 /blog/post-.*/(.*) /blog/post/$1

Which will match the old style of links, take the title and redirect it to the new form.

Source Code

All the source code and intricate details behind my blog are on Github